Indigo and Crystal Phenomena: ADD and ADHD Children
作者:麗莎.沃特利 (Lisa Whatley ) 翻譯:悠媽
Who are these Indigo and Crystal Children? Am I one? How can I help my own child who seems to be one?
There are many things that we can do to help these new breed of children, but the most important thing to know is that the Indigo/Crystal phenomenon is the next big step in our human evolution. We all are, in some way or another, becoming more like the Indigo and Crystal people. The more one chooses to consciously work towards change, the faster the results will be for that individual. This new breed of children (which truly isn't all that new, just massive amounts now) has come to show us the way as we have forgotten. They are our mirrors. Which simply means they mirror what is inside of us, all that needs to change in order to evolve or raise our consciousness. They have come here to help change the vibrations of our lives and to create peace, balance and harmony.
Therefore, the Indigos have emerged to knock down the old outdated systems! They are warriors and they are on a mission! They create chaos everywhere they go. They can sense dishonesty a mile away and are unable to conform to dysfunctional situations within their homes, schools and work places. Gone are the days of threatening "wait till your father gets home," or "you'll be suspended," the Indigos don't care! They have inner-lie detectors and will not be manipulated nor fall for hidden agendas. They are very head strong and do not like to be told what to do, nor do they want to do it your way. If we do not break out of our old control habits, threat habits or any other destructive behavior, they will show us that we must learn new methods in order for peace to prevail! This is done through heart connections, with love. They simply do not have the ability to disassociate from their feelings and pretend that everything is okay. They respond the best to all situations when they are treated like a respected adult. If we are acting childish in a manipulating, hurtful way, they will mirror back to us our own behavior. This causes more frustration within ourselves than it does within them! Their goal is for US to change, not them. Their horns toot "Treat others as you would want to be treated!" They are not shy in letting you know exactly what they need. Watch them. They have no hidden agenda. They are our teachers!
因此,靛藍人種的出現是為了要打破那些陳舊過時的系統!他們是帶着使命來到地球的戰士!他們在所到之處都會引發混亂。他們在一英哩外就可以感知到不誠實,並且無法遵從於其家庭、學校和工作場所中所存在的“不正常的情况”( dysfunctional situations:人類現在普通存在一種被稱為“功能失調”的狀况)。靠“威脅”來達到目的日子已經過去了,比如“等到你爸爸回來收拾你”,或“你會被警察帶走”之類的威脅對他們没用,靛藍兒童毫不在乎!他們有台内在的謊言儀,因此不會被任意擺佈,也不會掉入隱秘的算計之中。
他們的目的讓我們做出改變,而不是他們。他們大聲吹響了號角,提醒我們 “用你希望被對待的方式來善待他人!”他們不會羞于讓你知道他們明確的需要是什麽。好好看着他們,他們没有任何隱秘的算計,他們是我們的老師!
The Indigos are creating chaos with the end result being a peaceful, loving world. Many, but not all Indigos are labeled by the medical world as Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or more commonly known as ADD/ADHD because they can't be still, they can't focus, they bore easily, they are impulsive and they do things super fast. Giving them medication is not the answer! That is once again a control factor not to mention all the detrimental health problems including death that occurs from these types of medications. Indigo and Crystal children are extremely intelligent and need their minds stimulated with things they enjoy to do. They have amazing memories and are gifted souls with an evolved consciousness. They need to be taught in a different way, through subjects they love that stimulate their whole beings! We are moving beyond the mind and into the heart. These Indigo children will not conform to the old ritual text book teachings. This system is old and needs to be replaced. They are trying to show the teachers of the school systems that they need a new way of learning. This is beginning to happen.
How can you tell if you are an Indigo? A good way to "test" yourself is to answer the following:
Are you always searching for your greater purpose in life but feel like the world isn't set up for your kind?
Do you feel wise beyond your years?
Do you have trouble conforming to the ways of society?
Do you feel out of place in today's world?
Do you perceive the world very differently than most people around you?
Do you have strong intuition about certain things that most others do not?
Do you often feel misunderstood when you try to talk to people about what's real?
Do you feel like you were born to accomplish a special mission in life?
Do you feel isolated and alone in your beliefs?
Misunderstood by family? Perhaps the black sheep of the family?
Do you feel anti-social unless you are with people of like mind?
Are you emotionally sensitive?
Did you have a difficult childhood?
Do you often feel disempowered by too much authority?
If you can answer yes to these questions, then you are most likely an Indigo. If you want outside validation than you may want to find a person who has honed the gift of clairvoyance, the gift of seeing what most people do not. The clairvoyant person while looking at you or tuning into your energy field, will be able to tell if you are Indigo or not by the color of your aura which is the invisible energy field surrounding your physical body. You can also have an aura photo taken to see for yourself your own colors.
So what can I do to help my child?
Through my own experience, I have learnt that it is extremely important to have harmonious energy within our environments, to stay grounded and keep shielded. I believe if this small piece of advice hit mainstream schools it would make a huge difference in all the kids' temperaments! I am an Indigo/Crystal and a single mom or four Indigo/Crystal children and know first hand that if the energy within our home is 'off' the children are wild! They will be much more aggressive towards one another, more fighting, crying and very restless. They have more temper tantrums and mood swings and refuse any kind of authority! When the home is energetically balanced, they are much more relaxed, calm, gentle and peaceful. Ahh, normal kids!
Leaving our energetically balanced, sacred space to go out into public places, un-protected is a living nightmare! The change within my children's temperament is like watching Jekyll and Hyde! Onlookers or unaware people would perceive this to be children that are wild or have had way too much sugar or more commonly "the mother has no control." My oldest child especially is affected. He's ten and has been diagnosed as 'ADHD.' When we finally get back inside our vehicle and start the drive home, they all will have begun to calm down. (I have adjusted the energy of our vehicle to be harmonious as well.) Not long after we have entered our house, usually they have begun to 'crash'. It's similar to a sugar high, they are at their peak of explosion in public because of the denser energies and when they get back into their own frequency they start to burn out because of the chaos their bodies have experienced! Talk about detrimental to their health. I have provided a list of things below that work wonderfully well for us in creating our sacred environment and other things to empower my Indigo/Crystal Kids.
BREATHE! Breathing moves energy. When they are frustrated, scared, hyper, etc. ask them to Stop and Breathe deeply. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Tell them to really exert the out blow, like blowing out your anger! Make it fun and do it with them.
Smudge your home to help clear the distracting vibrations. This needs to be done immediately after a blow up of any sort and on a regular basis. Make it part of your house cleaning routine! I smudge a lot, sometimes daily depending upon what the kids have picked up from school. This truly makes an amazing difference!
Staying 'Grounded' is very important. There are many methods of how this is done. I personally like something that is fast and easy to do. Intention and visualizing are quick easy methods and can be done in a second at anytime, without anyone even noticing! The first thing I do is ask Gaia (Mother Earth) her permission for my grounding cord to enter the core of her being. Then I visualize a clear cord or clear rope coming from my root chakra (tail bone area) and entering Gaia. It grows in length, and continues to grow until it has been fully anchored into the core of Gaia. This grounding cord releases negative energy and also brings in positive energy. Set your intention to send all the negative energy down this cord, physically exhale, releasing it into Gaia. After the negative energy has all been released, with intention bring up the positive life-giving earth energy with a physical inhale. Thank Gaia and do not worry that this will hurt her, it doesn't! Have your kids make a monkey chain cord. It's the intention that works!
Staying 'Shielded' is also very important. Indigos and Crystals are extremely sensitive. Their highly tuned energy fields pick up negative emotions and environmental energy from their surroundings like a sponge which cause severe mood swings. Imagine being in a room where there are four depressed people, three angry people and the room itself has not been energetically cleared from all the emotional yuck for years! The Indigo unknowingly will pick up all this energy and take it on as their own! And people wonder why they are labeled as ADHD! Teach them to create and surround themselves with the "bubble of white light" protection every morning! This repels the negative energy around them but allows the positive energy to enter. The bubble would look like a soap bubble with them inside of it.
EXERCISE. It is important for exercise to remain a part of all of our lives, but this also helps the Indigo/Crystal Children to rid themselves of excess energy as their nervous systems are wired differently than others. Excellent exercise outlets to release what they are holding in their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies are: Martial Arts, Yoga, Karate, Tai-Chi, Dance Classes, Running, Skipping, Gymnastics: Anything they love that gets them moving!
Bring nature indoors. Lots of beautiful plants, rocks, crystals, waterfalls, aquariums etc.
A quiet space with no electrical equipment in the room. This is a room for them to just BE. Do whatever they love to do in their quiet time. Be it art work, read, puzzles, Lego blocks, etc.
Nightly baths in sea salt. Be sure to drink extra water as this pulls toxins from the physical body and also clears negative energies from the energetic body.
Put sea salt on their names with their permission. The salt pulls out all the negative energies that no longer serve them. Let this sit for 24 hours, and then dump the salt into the toilet.
The removal of all artificial scents is a must! Use only the highest quality oils and unscented beeswax candles.
Play dolphin, orca, and angelic relaxing music. Screaming chaotic music is only going to disturb their energy.
Keep all electrical stuff out of their bedrooms. They simply can't tolerate the very dangerous electromagnetic waves these devices send out. This will help them sleep deeply and peacefully.
Be honest with them at all times with no manipulation about all things, toning it down to their age level. If you don't you will have a war on your hands!
Reiki Energy Healing, Sound Healing, and other alternative healing methods are recommended for healing, balancing, rejuvenating and empowering not just Indigos but all of us!
We are moving into a wonderful new world where peace will reside! That's a beautiful thing.
© 2004-2006 Lisa Whatley an Indigo/Crystal Adult, Master Energy Facilitator, Writer, Mother of four Indigo/Crystal children and Spiritual Ascension Life Coach interweaves body, mind and spirit into her work. Lisa's spiritual path and connection with God has led her to a place of knowing that all things are possible! She has helped many people change their lives using the same self-empowerment teachings that helped to transform her own life, helping them find peace, joy and stability. She currently offers energetic sessions for DNA Activation, Clearing, Healing, Balancing, Spiritual Growth, Enlightenment and Life Coaching. She resides in the beautiful countryside of Northern Ontario, Canada.
© 2004-2006莉薩沃特利(作者為一名靛藍/水晶成人,能量指導師,作家,四個靛藍/水晶兒童的母親,以及的靈性升華生命教練,其工作由她的身、心、靈交織而成。麗莎的靈性道途和其與上帝的連結將她引向一個 “所有的事情都有可能發生” 的感知領域!通過傳授同様改變她了自己人生的自我昇華教導,她曾幫助許多人改變了他們的人生,幫助他們找到平静、喜悦和穩健。目前她在教授充滿活力的DNA課程、清理課程、療癒課程、平衡課程,心靈成長及點化等課程,以及人生訓導。她居住在位於加拿大北安大略的美麗鄉村。